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BISP Secretary Briefs Ugandan Delegation about Key InitiativesBISP Secretary Briefs Ugandan Delegation about Key Initiatives

Last Updated on: 26th October 2024, 08:17 am

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Secretary General of the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), Ahmer Ali Ahmed, recently received a group of 17 delegations from the 36th Senior Management Course of the National Institute of Management (NIM). During his visit, he briefed on how the various BISP key initiatives are positively impacting people’s lives.

BISP Secretary Briefs Ugandan Delegation about Key Initiatives

Secretary General Briefing to Ugandan Delegation

BISP has been active for several years and is now expanding its resources to help millions of families meet their basic needs. This visit to BISP headquarters in Islamabad enabled the officials to see first-hand how the program works and the impact it is having on marginalized communities across Pakistan.

The Secretary briefed the team on key projects such as the National Socio-Economic Register (NSER), Kafaalat, Taleemi Wazaif, Nashonuma and undergraduate scholarships.

BISP to launch its next tranche through a new payment method

During the discussion, he stressed the importance of BISP initiatives and acknowledged the challenges faced by poor households. The reach and importance of BISP to the country’s underprivileged is evident, mentioning its important role in the community.

An interesting update was the upcoming launch of a new payment method for quarterly tranche distributions. This new approach will involve six banks instead of the current two, improving transparency and speeding up cash payments. It is estimated that this change could save BISP about Rs 2 billion every year.

How does BISP’s 10,500 Kafalat payment disbursement work?

When distributing the 10,500 kafalat payment, the funds are distributed through designated warehouses managed by BISP staff and local government officials, ensuring transparency in the process.

The minister also highlighted the reliability of the NSER survey database which is used by various social security programs of the public and private sectors. BISP’s international partners also recognize the credibility of the database.

Last Words

In conclusion, the minister said that BISP is making a significant difference in the lives of millions of deserving families in Pakistan. With continuous innovations such as the new payment model and initiatives such as Kafaalat, Taleemi Wazaif and Nashonuma, BISP is committed to extending its assistance to needy people.

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